Friday, February 27, 2015

Christian Book Review

This next series I have read is historical fiction, but actually Christian Fantasy.

It is a trilogy called:  Books of the Infinite

Written by:   R.J.Larson

The Infinite refers to God.

The three books in the Trilogy are:


(I love this picture of Ela, so pretty!!)



The first book, a young woman (age 17), Ela,  is chosen by God to be his prophet.

She Hesitantly accepts because Prophets often have short, tragic lives.

But she does agree because one should always Trust in God

 and have Faith

that He will be with you and Guide you.

So she is sent by God to other nations

to condemn them and warn them to repent.

This sounds like all other prophet stories in the Bible.

What makes this fantasy are the presence of some fantasy type creatures.

There are the dreaded  deadly Scalns

And magnificent huge horses  called Destroyers

that everyone fears but their riders

And the horse chooses his rider and the 2 are inseparable.

While on her first mission, Ela is captured and while imprisoned

She meets Kien who becomes her love interest.

Kien is a good guy but does not believe in the Infinite.

But after spending time with Ela, he not only becomes a believer,

He becomes a prophet.

Kien is the main character of book two, in which he is both Prophet and Judge.

Ela and Kien meet a rebel leader who is a follower of the Infinite.

This leader becomes King and is the main character in the third book.

This series will consume you!

It is well written, you will love these characters!

I highly recommend this series!!!

See More when you Click Here!!

I see there are 2 more books coming to this Series!!!!

Image result for happy tigger

So Excited!!!!

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