Friday, August 30, 2013

God is a Fairy Tale

There is a group called the New Atheists

That claim that God is a Fairy Tale

Like Santa.

And as children become adults, they should leave that foolishness behind.

Here's one problem with that thinking.

Do you know  anyone that did not believe in Santa,  but now as adults do?

And here is the other:

They imply that Believers are not very smart.

So, if you are an Atheist, please tell me,

Are you smarter than these Brainless Believers?

Nicholas Copernicus---Proved the Earth Revolved around the Sun

Isaac Newton---"Father of Physics"

Charles Darwin---Founder of the Theory of Natural Selection

Albert Einstein---"Theory of Relativity" and "Theory of Special Relativity"

C.S.Lewis--Author of "The Chronicles of Narnia"
He set out to disprove Christianity, then became one of its biggest supporters

J.R.R. Tolkien---Author the "The Lord of the Rings" Trilogy

Dr. Frances Collins---Former Athiest, Lead in the Human Genome Project, now outspoken Christian

Lee Strobel---Journalist, former atheist, set out to disprove Christianity, Now outspoken Christian 

Dr. Ben Carson---famed pediatric neurosurgeon at John's Hopkins University

Joan Roughgarden---Stanford University, professor of Evolution, 
wrote a book on Evolution and the Christian Faith

John Lennox---Mathematician, Oxford University

Gerald Schroeder---Physicist at MIT

It seems to me that if God is a Fairy tale,

Why do all these highly educated, notable intellectuals

(and there are tons more)

Believe in something that to Atheists is so obviously non-existent?

Someone is right

and someone is wrong.

I think I am in good company

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