Have you ever spoken them?
Haters are everywhere.
We hate based on
skin color,
skin color,
Because of the groups we belong to,
What politics we follow..
Hating is easy.
That's why there is so much of it in the world.
Love is much harder.
And loving the one that hates you may be the hardest thing of all.
But who are we as Christians if we cannot love those who hate us?
(This Black Officer is helping a White Supremacist who fell ill at a racist rally)
Christ loved everyone
Including those who hated him
And He was is hated more than any other.
Please Pray with me:
"God, please help me to see everyone as you do.
Help me to see everyone as your beloved child.
Please give me the compassion to love those I do not even like.
And give me the grace to love those who hate me.
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