Saturday, November 22, 2014

The Piccolo

One of the smallest instruments,

Seldom heard,

Rarely featured.

During a symphony it waits and waits.

The piccolo waits quietly,

There is  no spot light, 

It is not noticed by the audience.

But when it's moment comes,

No other instrument will do,

No other instrument can take its place

Without the tiny piccolo

The symphony is incomplete.

We are instruments in God's symphony.

Some of us are like the drums, beating a rhythm by which others keep time.

Some of us are like the brass, loud and flashy, a delight to hear.

Some of us are like the string instruments, refined and deeply passionate.

Some of us are like the conductor, guiding and leading the group.

And others are like the wind instruments, 

quiet and not as easily noticed, but vital to enrich the music.

And among the wind instruments, 

Some of us are like the piccolo.

We may not be in the spotlight.

And the part we play may be small.

But without us and the talents God gave us 

God's symphony is incomplete.

We are all needed, 

We are equally important and 

We are equally valued in God' symphony.

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