Saturday, December 10, 2016

The Twelve Days of Christmas Re-Mastered

Did you ever wonder what was going on with that addictive song,
 "Twelve Days of Christmas"?

The song originates from the 1500's and may have been "code" 
for various parts of the Bible during a time of Persecution of Catholics.  

Now that is disputed, 
but it is likely that there are significant symbolism 
to the items chosen to be in the song.  

According to several sources (click here for the one I referenced) 
the song breaks down like this:

The Partridge in a Pear Tree is Jesus Christ

Image result for partridge in a pear tree

The 2 Turtle Doves are the Old and New Testaments

Image result for 2 turtle doves

The 3 French Hens stand for Faith, Hope and Love

Image result for 3 french hens

The 4 Calling Birds are Matthew,Mark, Luke and John

Image result for 4 calling birds

The 5 Golden Rings are the first 5 books of the Bible ,
also known as the Torah or The Law

Image result for 5 golden rings

The 6 Geese A-Laying stand for the 6 days of Creation

Image result for 6 geese a laying

The 7 Swans A-Swimming

Image result for 7 swans a swimming

Represent the 7-fold gifts of the Holy Spirit:

Image result for 7 gifts of the holy spirit

The 8 Maids A-Milking are the 8 Beatitudes: 

Image result for 8 maids a milking images

  • Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
  • Blessed are they who mourn, for they will be comforted.
  • Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the land.
  • Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be satisfied.
  • Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.
  • Blessed are the clean of heart, for they will see God.
  • Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.
  • Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

The 9 Ladies Dancing are the 9 fruits of the Holy Spirit:

Image result for 9 ladies dancing images

Love, Joy, Peach, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self Control

The 10 Lords A-Leaping are the 10 Commandments

Image result for 10 lords a leaping

The 11 Pipers Piping stand for the 11 Faithful Disciples

Image result for 11 pipers piping

The 12 Drummers Drumming
symbolize the 12 points of Belief in the Apostles’ Creed.

Image result for 12 drummers drumming

Also, if you add up every single gift given
you will come up with 364 items....

And I have been told that is significant
because the 365th gift is
the Birth of Christ.

Image result for the birth of christ

And just who is this "True Love' that gives all these gifts to me?

It is Our God,
Who so loves us that He became flesh
and lived among us,

Image result for the word became flesh

To teach and guide us

Image result for jesus teaching

And cleanse us of our sin
with His blood.

Image result for the cross

So that we might live with Him forever

Image result for live in heaven


  1. Beautiful post, Tig! I've always wondered of the song but never bothered to search it up.

    1. thanks, I came across a meme about it and thought it was interesting and wanted to share!
